Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Reno
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) consists of Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing and Cost Per Thousand (CPM), impression based marketing. These are both great tools in pursuit of online success. By using paid search you can get instant and positive results, obtain market research information, reach into surrounding markets, and much more.
Here at LocalDiGi we utilize SEM strategically for local businesses to increase your bottom-line. While working for several years in the very competitive automotive Internet industry we have had the opportunity to review and monitor marketing efforts initiated by very aggressive companies. In this time we have witnessed some dramatic differences and of course adopted, utilized and optimized effective techniques while also creating our own.
At the Hub of the LocalDiGi, DiGital Business Wheel we Measure and Iterate. This allows us to focus on generating a positive Return On Investment (ROI) with your marketing dollars.
For more information about our PPC process and a free consultation what we can do for you, email us or give us a call today.
Google Ads
Of course, Google is the 800lb gorilla in the pay per click market. The main reason for this is the level of intent that Google Searchers have. So, when someone searches for "coffee shop near me", we can assume they are looking to spend money at a coffee shop near them. And, if you are a coffee shop owner you want to make sure and show up for those types of searches. This is true for local retail and service businesses.
Where a lot of advertisers and businesses go wrong with Google Ads is spending money on clicks that don't generate positive results. At LocalDiGi, we are constantly monitoring what is working and what isn't to make sure that your business goals are achieved.
Facebook Marketing
Facebook Marketing is also considered Social Marketing. This is an incredibly important part of local marketing since Facebook allows us to target people that are more likely to do business with you.
At LocalDiGi, we spend extra time researching and segmenting Facebook audiences to fit you and your business. Then, we measure the results and make adjustments over time to help increase your ROI.
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